Day 20 – Thursday 23 January 2020

By Ewan Blamire & Joshua Jackson

The first few hours of the day were quiet as many eager faces gathered around the cockpit. After our first twelve days of hard sailing we had reached the first major milestone of our long journey, crossing the Greenwich meridian. For many of our crew this was their first time doing an ocean crossing and Dom sat waiting for this precious moment but soon after crossing his words were, “I don’t feel very different”. Joshua was probably the most excited crew member. So much so that he was adamant on being the first of the crew to cross. He lent as far forward off the bow as he could to secure his victory. To celebrate this achievement we decided it was time to make some delicious minty chocolate muffins. These were enjoyed with our daily two loaves of bread with assorted spreads.

While flying the spinnaker later in the day we got an overwind on the winch. As Max attempted to correct the sheet, it flew through his hand and he received a minor rope burn which he has subsequently recovered from. Although Max’s wound at the time was relatively minor, our skipper Nick was forced to endure helming two 2- hour shifts in the strong winds that we received that night but managed really well with his experience and knowledge.